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Links are provided to access the publications through the publisher. Please contact me if your library does not have access to a particular article. See Google Scholar for additional access options and my CV for a full list of publications. Also see the CCWT website for a more complete list of working papers.

Journal articles, technical reports, and books in print

* indicates graduate student co-author (at time of publication)

In progress & under review

Hora, M.T., Jang-Tucci & Zhang, J. (under review). Who are the unpaid interns? Documenting the demographic, academic, and institutional characteristics associated with intern compensation.


Hora, M.T., Fischer, J.J.*, Jang-Tucci, K.*, Song, H.* (in progress). A culture and critical review of the literature on student employability.


Hora, M.T., Pasqualone, A.*, & Thompson, M. (in progress). A longitudinal analysis student experiences with internships during the Covid-19 pandemic: Towards a new socio-ecological view of career development.



Hora, M.T., Forbes, J.*, & Preston, D. (in press). What do we know about internships at HBCUs?  A summary of key findings and an agenda for future research.  The Journal of Negro Education.



Hora, M. T., & Lee, C. (2024). Does industry experience influence transferable skills instruction? Implications for faculty development and culture theory. Innovative Higher Education, 1-22.


Jang-Tucci, K., Hora, M. T., & Zhang, J. (2024). Gatekeeping at work: a multi-dimensional analysis of student, institutional, and employer characteristics associated with unpaid internships. Higher Education, 1-30.



Hora, M.T., Chen, Z., Wolfgram, M., Zhang, J., & Fischer, J.J.* (2023). Designing effective internships: A mixed-methods exploration of the sociocultural aspects of intern satisfaction and development. The Journal of Higher Education.


Hora, M.T. (2023). Re-framing employability as a problem of perceived opportunities: The case of internships in a U.S. college using the Student Perceptions of Employment Opportunities (SPEO) framework, In Rethinking Graduate Employability in Context: Discourse, Policy and Practice (Siivonen, Isopahkala-Bouret, Tomlinson, Korhonen, Korhonen & Haltia, Eds.).


Hora, M.T. (2023). Higher Education’s Response to the Climate Emergency is Failing our Students: Why preparing and supporting our students for lives and careers within a disrupted biosphere is a critical, sector-wide responsibility.  Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 55 (5), 35-44.


Hora, M.T., Thompson, M., Wolfgram, M., Jang-Tucci, K., Pasqualone, A., & Lee, C. (2023).  Longitudinal results from the  3-year mixed-methods College Internship Study.  Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions. University of Wisconsin-Madison.



Hora, M. T., Wolfgram, M., Huerta, A. H., Lee, C.*, & Gopal, A. (2022). A multilevel, agent-centered analysis of intersectionality in a Hispanic-Serving Institution: The case of college internship access for Latinx students. AERA Open, 8.


Hora, M.T. (2022). Unpaid internships and inequality: A review of the data and recommendations for research, policy, and practice. Policy Brief #2. Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions. University of Wisconsin-Madison.


Hora, M. T. (2022). Internships for All?: How Inequitable Access to Internships Hinders the Promise and Potential of High-Impact Practices and Work-Based Learning. In Delivering on the Promise of High-Impact Practices (pp. 113-123). Routledge.



Hora, M.T., Wolfgram, M., & Chen, Z. (2021). Closing the doors of opportunity: A field theoretic analysis of the prevalence and nature of college internships.  Teachers College Record, 123(12), 180-210.


Hora, M. T., Benbow, R. J., & Lee, C*. (2021). A sociocultural approach to communication instruction: How insights from communication teaching practices can inform faculty development programs. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 30(4-5), 747-796.


Hora, M.T. (2021). Teaching and learning in the 21st century community college (Hora, M.T., Ed.). New Directions for Community College.


Crespin-Trujillo, V. & Hora, M.T. (2021). Teaching and learning in the 21st century community college. In M.T. Hora (Ed.). Teaching during a pandemic: Insights into faculty teaching practices and implications for future improvement (pp. 13-22). New Directions for Community College.


Hora, M.T. & Lee, C.* (2021). Teaching and learning in the 21st century community college. In M.T. Hora (Ed.). Does industry experience increase the teaching of “soft” skills in community college classrooms? (pp. 65-79). New Directions for Community College.


Hora, M.T., Colston, J.*, Chen, Z., & Pasqualone, A.* (2021). National survey of college internships (NSCI) 2021 report: Insights into the prevalence, quality, and equitable access to internships in higher education.  University of Wisconsin-Madison. Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions


Hora, M.T., Huerta, A., Gopal, A., & Wolfgram, M. (2021). A review of the literature on internships for Latinx students at Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Toward a Latinx-serving internship experience.  University of Wisconsin-Madison. Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions



Benbow, R. J., Lee, C.*, & Hora, M. T. (2020). Exploring college faculty development in 21st-century skill instruction: an analysis of teaching-focused personal networks. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 1-18.


Hora, M.T., Parrott, E.*, & Her, P.* (2020). How do students conceptualise the college internship experience? Towards a student-centred approach to designing and implementing internships. Journal of Education and Work, 33 (1), 48-66


Hora, M. T., Chhabra, P.*, & Smolarek, B.  (2020). Exploring the Factors that Influence How (And Why) Community College Instructors Teach Communication and Teamwork Skills in Computer Technology Courses. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 1-20.


Hora, M.T., Blackburn Cohen, C.*, & Chin, M.* (2020). Examining US business undergraduates’ use of career information
sources during career exploration.  Education + Training, 62 (1).


Hora, M.T., Newman, R.Y., Hemp, R., Brandon, J. & Wu, Y. (2020). Re-framing student employability: From commodifying the self to supporting student, worker and societal well-being. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 52 (1), 37-45.


Hora, M.T., Forbes, J, & Preston, D. (2020). What do we know about internships at HBCUs? A review of the literature and agenda for future research.  University of Wisconsin-Madison. Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions. 


Hora, M.T., Vivona, B., Chen, Z., Zhang, J., Thompson, M., & Brown, R. (2020). What do we know about online internships? A review of the academic and practitioner literatures. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions.


Hora, M.T. (2020). What to do about internships in light of the COVID-19 pandemic? A short guide to online internships for colleges, students and employers. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions.



Hora, M. T. (2019). Hiring as cultural gatekeeping into occupational communities: implications for higher education and student employability. Higher Education, 1-18.


Hora, M. T., Smolarek, B., Martin, K. N., & Scrivener, L*. (2019). Exploring the situated and cultural aspects of communication in the professions: Implications for teaching, student employability, and equity in higher education. American Educational Research Journal. 56 (6), 2221-2261.



Benbow, R., & Hora, M.T. (2018). Reconsidering college student employability: A cultural analysis of educator and employer conceptions of workplace skills. Harvard Educational Review 88 (4), 483-515.


Hora, M., Benbow, R., & Smolarek, B. (2018). Re-thinking soft skills and student employability: A new paradigm for undergraduate education. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 50 (6), 30-37.


Hora, M.T. (2018). A framework for studying the use of instructional data in higher education: A socio-technical analysis of data driven decision-making. In Learning analytics in higher education (Eds. Lester, J., & Klein, C.). London, UK: Routledge.


Hora, M.T. (2018). What's wrong with required internships? Plenty. The Chronicle of Higher Education. March 4, 2018.


Hora, M.T. (2018). Beyond the skills gap: How the vocationalist framing of higher education undermines student, employer, and societal interests.  Liberal Education, 104 (2).  Association of American Colleges & Universities.


Smolarek, B.*, & Hora, M.T. (2018). Examining faculty reflective practice: A call for critical awareness and institutional support. The

Journal of Higher Education, 89 (4), 553-581.


Hora, M.T. & Blackburn Cohen, C.* (2018). Cultural capital at work: How cognitive and non-cognitive skills are taught, trained, and rewarded in a Chinese technical college. Community College Review, 46 (4), 388-416.



Hora, M.T., Bouwma-Gearhart, J. & Park, H.* (2017). Data driven decision-making in the era of accountability: Fostering faculty data cultures for learning. Review of Higher Education, 40 (3), 391-426.


Hora, M.T. & Oleson, A.K.* (2017). Examining study habits in undergraduate STEM courses from a situative perspective. International Journal of STEM Education, 4 (1), 1-19.


Hora, M.T., Wolfgram, M., & Thompson, S.* (2017). What do we know about the impact of internships on student outcomes? University of Wisconsin-Madison. Center for Research on College-Workforce Transitions.



Hora, M.T. & Benbow, R.T. (2016). Beyond the skills gap: Interview with Inside Higher Education.  Inside Higher Education.


Hora, M.T. (2016). Navigating the problem space of academic work: How workload and curricular affordances shape STEM faculty decisions about teaching and learning. AERA Open, 2 (1), 1-19.


Hora, M.T., with Benbow, R. & Oleson, A.* (2016). Beyond the skills gap: Educating college students for life and work. Harvard Education Press.


Bouwma-Gearhart, J., & Hora, M.T. (2016). Supporting faculty in the era of accountability: How postsecondary leaders can facilitate the meaningful use of instructional data for continuous improvement.  Journal of Higher Education Management, 31 (1), 44-56.



Hora, M.T. (2015). Towards a descriptive science of teaching: How the Teaching Dimensions Observation Protocol illuminates the

dynamic and multi-dimensional nature of active learning modalities in postsecondary classrooms. Science Education, 99 (5), 783-818.


Hora, M.T., Benbow, R.J., Oleson, A.K*. & Wang, Y.* (2015). A different take on the "skills gap": Why cultivating diverse competencies is essential for success in the 21st century economy.  (WISCAPE Policy Brief). Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison.


Hora, M.T., Benbow, R. & Oleson, A.K.* (2015, March 16). The view from Wisconsin: Why Scott Walker and President Obama’s focus on the skills gap is off the mark. Inside Higher Education.



Ferrare, J.* & Hora, M.T. (2014). Cultural models of teaching and learning: Challenges and opportunities for undergraduate math and science education. Journal of Higher Education, 85 (6), 792-825.


Hora, M. T., & Hunter, A. B. (2014). Exploring the dynamics of organizational learning: identifying the decision chains science and math faculty use to plan and teach undergraduate courses. International Journal of STEM Education, 1(1), 1–21.


Hora, M.T. (2014). Exploring faculty beliefs about student learning and their role in instructional decision-making. The Review of Higher Education, 38 (1), 37-70.


Hora, M.T. & Ferrare, J.* (2014). Re-measuring postsecondary teaching: How singular categories of instruction obfuscate the multiple dimensions of classroom practice.  Journal of College Science Teaching, 43 (3), 36-41.


Oleson, A.,* & Hora, M.T. (2014). Teaching the way they were taught?: Revisiting the sources of teaching knowledge and the role of prior experience in shaping faculty teaching practices. Higher Education, 68 (1), 29-45.


Hora, M.T. (2014). Limitations in experimental design mean that the jury is still out on lecturing.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (30), 3024.


Oleson, A.* Hora, M.T., & Benbow, R. J. (2014). What is a STEM job? How different interpretations of the acronym result in

disparate labor market projections.  Viewpoint Paper #1 Center on Education and Work.  University of Wisconsin-Madison.



Hora, M.T. & Ferrare, J.* (2013). Instructional systems of practice: A multi-dimensional analysis of math and science undergraduate course planning and classroom teaching. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 22 (2), 212-257.


Hora, M.T. & Holden, J.* (2013). Exploring the role of instructional technology in course planning and classroom teaching: Implications for pedagogical reform. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 25 (2), 68-92.


Hora, M.T. & Ferrare, J.* (2013). A review of classroom observation techniques used in postsecondary settings. Wisconsin Center for Education Research Working Paper No. 2013-1. UW-Madison.



Hora, M.T. (2012).  Organizational factors and instructional decision-making: A cognitive perspective. The Review of Higher Education, 35(2), 207-235.


Hora, M.T. & Anderson, C.D.* (2012). Perceived norms for interactive teaching and their relationship to instructional decision-making: A mixed methods study. Higher Education, 64 (4), 573-592



Hora, M.T. & Millar, S. (2011). Building education partnerships: Navigating diverse cultural contexts to turn challenge into promise. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publications.



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